Quite disturbed by the recent ST breaking news of the woman in intensive care after liposuction at SGH. Surgeon punctured multiple holes in her intestines.
Just like to share that traditional syringe liposuction is still the safest.
Although, we are always more attracted to the latest fanciest machines like Vaser Liposuction, machine-assisted liposuction.
Doctor Arthur is using the traditional method. His mentor is one of most prominent figures in modern liposuction: Prof Fong Poh Him (Singapore). He's very experience and skilful in sculpting the body figure.
As the term syringe liposuction say for itself, it is definitely physically very exhausting as compared using machines . The only disadvantages of syringe liposuction are that it is physically exhausting thus not many doctors want to do that. Dr Arthur keep himself very fit for that and he only does one case in a day so that he can give all his attention to the one patient in that day . Although this translates to less cases, but Doctor Arthur still prefer syringe method as he believe great result and patient safety is more important than more revenues. I suppose we not only want to achieve looking good but also make sure the procedure is safe thus choosing the right doctor is the key.
This is why I'm very impressed with Dr Arthur skills and his professionalism.